2E2’s Morning Commute

On the morning of June 6th, faithful resighter Dave Adrien sent Bill Clark a resight of 2E2 at Sandy Point Reservation in Ipswich, Massachusetts – photo and all.

Time stamped at 5:40 AM, it was 9:30 AM when I got the e-mail from Bill notifying me of the off-island resight. I took a quick jaunt up to Sunset Pavilion, where 2E2 has their nest (with an unbanded mate, whereabouts unknown). 2E2 was indeed there, happily (squawkingly?) guarding their chicks. What is interesting about 2E2’s 20.6 mile (as the gull flies) commute are the possible implications regarding their (and subsequently, their chicks’) diet. Is 2E2 leaving and going to this location because they know there are lots of people and activity, sitting ducks with sandwiches held aloft, not a care in the world until 2E2 plucks it from their hands? Is there a particular fishing area that 2E2 frequents? The numerous resights of 2E2 include many beach goers who have had their coolers and blankets plundered, so it is possible. Yesterday, during the gathering of prey remains from the immediate vicinity around the 2E2 nest, we discovered a very large fishhead, vertebrae perfectly intact. This blogger has to wonder whether it was sourced from the frequent stomping grounds of the Plum Island area.

2E2 21april2012

2E2: post-pinniped meal